Why is Malta such a Popular ' Destination of Lifestyle '?

A number of factors can be attributed to the increasing popularity of sunny Malta among the most discerning real estate enthusiasts and relocating families / businesses. Because of its sunny climate, rich history, the variety of entertainment options, beautiful landscapes and the general warmth of the locals, it has always been a great destination.

The purchasing of a home in Malta is quite straightforward. The vendor and the purchaser sign a conditional agreement (Konvenju) binding the vendor to sell and the purchaser to acquire the property on terms and conditions negotiated subject to good title and the issue of applicable permits. Some places like Sliema and St. Julians offer superb rental returns, although attracting higher prices, as they are tourist meccas throughout the year.

Malta is not only about tanning and beaches, eating good Mediterranean food or sailing, and enjoying the crystal clear waters. Malta is a country once inhabited by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, St. John's Knights, French and British with hundreds of traditions and so many cultural sights. Meeting Malta's hot and proud people will give you an indication of the meaningful past.

The Educational System
The education system is first-rate with a good selection of private, international and public schools, and the Island also enjoys a long-established reputation for excellence at the oldest university in the Commonwealth outside Britain. It could also be said that the Island provides a multilingual service because, apart from the native Maltese language, many Islanders speak English and Italian fluently.

Malta has an excellent healthcare network as well. Public and private hospitals can be located on the island. The newly inaugurated General Hospital "Mater Dei" is rapidly gaining a reputation as a leading health care provider and center of excellence in delivering reliable, secure and quality care with respected doctors, a highly skilled nursing staff.

Besides no property or land taxes, no death duties payable and no council taxes, there is also a tax-friendly procedure for moving your property to Malta. Malta also profits from advantageous deals with key countries on double taxation. The Maltese fiscal regime was one of the main drivers in creating an attractive environment for foreign investors when it comes to business benefits.

You can't do better than Malta if you're looking for a place where all these needs have to be met. The giovanniestates provides real estate agents Malta for properties that deliver mild winters and long and golden summers–a place where you and your friends can enjoy the highest living.
